Anthony Morelli's First Blog Post

 Anthony Morelli's First Blog Post

    Hello! My name is Anthony Morelli and I am from the suburbs of Philadelphia. I am currently in my second year at UAF and am pursuing my bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Some of my favorite hobbies include camping, hiking, skiing, shooting, and occasionally gaming. As you can tell from my hobbies I like the outdoors, this interest was instilled in me from a young age when I was a Cub Scout/Boy Scout. Academically, my favorite topic is history therefore I am looking forward to learning about the history behind different art forms. 

    My love for the outdoors and history have a strong influence on my relationship with art. My favorite art pieces are usually paintings of historical events like the one above of the famous Franklin Expedition. I also enjoy paintings of nature like those of Bob Ross that encapsulate the natural beauty of our world. As for my own artistic prowess, unfortunately, I have a very hard time creating art due to my dysgraphia, which makes it extremely difficult to draw and trace. But I still appreciate art and own some pieces, including antique paintings of presidents Lincoln and Washington. As for First Fridays, I don't know what those are but would love to find out. I do enjoy going to art museums and have been to several large ones including the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Smithsonian American Art Museum.


  1. I had fun with the Bob Ross online gallery - 403 paintings. My god daughter and I were going to do one of his tutorials, but the cost of getting all the paints was..... hefty!

  2. Hello Anthony, greetings from a fellow justice major! I agree, history is such a great subject. That Bob Ross gallery is amazing; his TV show was so calming. Did you know that at one point, Bob Ross was stationed at Eielson Air Force Base, right outside of Fairbanks? I imagine he took some inspiration from the Alaska landscape.

  3. Hi Anthony, welcome to Alaska! I am not an artist either, and I love the outdoors, too. The only art I am interested in is taking pictures; often, my cousins tease me about my 'Bob Ross' photos of the landscape pictures I take. Have a great semester!

  4. Hi Anthony can totally relate to how you say that your relationship with art is influence by the outdoors and history. I am a jungle girl by nature. I love to be outside. And I find art and pretty much everything. I see from the clouds in the sky to the woods. Surroundings how trees and branches are shaped. Even the direction as to which the grass grows.


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